How To Read A Poem

    • Read the poem out loud. This is because your brain can pick up more information when listening rather than thinking, active/passive learning. (Yakich)
  1. Look up vocabulary you don’t know to get a better grasp of what the poem is about. (Yakich)
  2. Don’t expect a poem to be incredibly life-changing. Enjoy it for what it is. (Yakich)
  3. Learn how lines and line stops sound when reading a poem. (Academy of American Poets)
  4. 900+ Book Art & People Reading ideas | book art, reading, reading artApproach a poem without any prior preconceived ideas. This way you can create ideas while reading the poem without that analysis getting blocked by prior judgments. (Academy of American Poets)
  5. Find out who the poem is addressed to and who the speaker is. (Academy of American Poets)
  6. recognize if sound an important, active element of the poem. (Academy of American Poets)photo






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