News&Views, Week of August, 31st, 2023

Middle School Principal’s Letter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s version of the News and Views. The Principal’s Perspective. I hope this message finds you well as we navigate the second week with Back To School Night.

I want to thank all parents who attended the Back To School Night. It was a pleasure to meet face-to-face and reconnect after a prolonged online period. The experience provided a valuable platform for you to witness the dedication and passion of our teachers, who will spend extensive hours each day guiding and nurturing your children’s educational journeys. Teaching is undoubtedly a challenging profession, particularly evident during the unprecedented circumstances brought about by the pandemic.

We hope you will partner with teachers to help your child navigate their middle school experience. The middle school years are pivotal to a child’s development. A positive partnership between families and schools improves children’s academic achievement, social competencies, and emotional well-being. Research has shown that this partnership will benefit the child immensely.

The season one of athletics and activities will start on Sunday, September 3rd. We ask that you help students prepare themselves the night before with everything they need to get off to a good start.

In other news, the seventh-grade social studies students recently engaged in a dynamic activity where they brought our core values to life. The level of enthusiasm and participation was inspiring.

Additionally, seventh-grade science students had the opportunity to explore the diverse plant life on our campus during a nature walk. It was an enriching experience that allowed them to deepen their understanding of the natural world.

Our studio art class has been busy creating beautiful and personalized greeting cards. It’s remarkable to witness the creativity and talent that our students possess.

Lastly, during lunchtime, our students actively engage in activities promoting exploration, learning, and fun during lunchtime. It was wonderful to witness the bonds being formed and the joy that radiates throughout our school community.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to middle school. We value your partnership and look forward to a successful academic year of growth and achievement.


In Partnership,
Courtney Bailey
The Middle School Principal


From the CAC HS/MS Basketball Programs
On Saturday – Sept. 2, 9, and 16 – the CAC Main Gym will be open for basketball shooting, individual drills, and open play. The gym will be supervised by a CAC teacher/coach and students may show up to the open times according to the following schedule:
1-2 pm: HS Girls
2-3 pm: MS Boys/Girls
3-4 pm: HS Boys
Thank you for adhering to the allotted times so that all to get an opportunity to play.
CAC HS and MS Basketball Coaches.


Hello CAC! Welcome to Cairo Girl Scouts!
Please fill out this form if you are interested in having your daughter join Cairo Girl Scouts and/or if you yourself are interested in being a troop leader. More information is available on the form.


Mark Your Calendars!
The Service Fair
Wednesday, September 6
11:00 – 4:00 – MS Field
The Service Fair is a networking event where various local organizations are invited to meet students and teachers. This is an excellent opportunity to connect classroom learning with possible service opportunities in our community. Currently, we have confirmed fifteen local organizations coming in. The event will be open for CAC ID holders from 3:00 – 4:00.

👉👉Stay Tuned for the list of participating organizations and volunteering opportunities.
📢📢 STUDENTS! If you are a PRO in making posters, we need to make one,
please check the details here.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact:
Ereeny Gawdat
Prek-12 Service Learning & CAS Coordinator
o. +202 2755 5438
c. +01200 278 966


From The Aquatic Department
Learn-To-Swim program is now inviting students to sign-up for the Tuesday swim school program. Please sign-up at below link.


From the MS/HS Library 

Parent Library Orientation – September 4th!
If you would like to learn more about the CAC Libraries and what they have to offer for you and your children, please join us at 8:00 am on September 4th in the MHS Library. Sign up to attend using this link:


MS Activities & Sports 

Season 1 MS Activities begin this week! Check out the new CCA website which has information on activities and athletics in all CAC Divisions.


Three Cheers

Three Cheers to our teachers for a successful Back To School Night.

Three Cheers to parents who attended the Back To School Night.

Three Cheers to Ms. Spencer and our student ambassadors for supporting Back To School Night.

Three Cheers to Ms. Fahmy and Ms. Fides for supporting Back To School Night.

Three Cheers to Ms. Nibal and the janitorial staff for the Back To School Night setup.