News&Views, Week of October, 26th, 2023

Middle School Principal’s Letter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s version of the News and Views. It was a week of recovery for trip leaders, teachers, and students.

The feedback from all the students I have spoken with has nothing but lovely things to share about the experience. The trip leaders, Mr. Kasal and Mr. Vogel for grade six, Mr. Miller and Mr. ElBably for grade seven, Ms. St-Amand and Mr. White for grade eight, and Ms. Shalaby had nothing but wonderful things to say about the student’s behavior and the overall experience of the trips. The memories will last forever, and the friendships will last a lifetime. We want to thank the parents for supporting the trips. It is an integral part of the student’s middle school experience.

A reminder that on October 31st and November 1st, we will have parent-teacher conferences on campus. The conferences will occur in the afternoon on the 31st from 2:15 – 5:30 p.m. The conferences on November 1st will be from 7:45 a.m. – 4:10 p.m. A letter was sent home inviting you to sign up for the conferences. I hope you took the time to sign up.

It is the week of Halloween, and students are preparing their costumes and getting ready for the Halloween social on Thursday. The Social will be from 6:00 – 8:00 in the MS hall. Students are not allowed to hang around on campus after the social ends. Please make arrangements for them to be picked up at 8:00 p.m.

Congratulations to the grade-six advisory teachers, Mr. Kasal, Ms. Spencer, Ms. Godfrey, (Ms. Sabry), Mr. Vogel, Ms. Harouny, and Ms. Deakin for winning the door decorating contest. Once again, we want to thank Mr. Staley for bringing something unique to the celebration.


The student government displayed its leadership and organized a 4×4 lawn volleyball tournament at lunchtime. The students have been taking this seriously and practicing when they are not competing.

Next week, we welcome Mr. Omar Allam from the class of 98. Omar will kick off our Speakers Series. Since leaving CAC, he has done the following:

  • Worked as a senior advisor with the World Bank
  • Worked as a senior Canadian trade diplomat
  • He appears regularly on Bloomberg and has been quoted and published in Forbes Magazine, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Globe and Mail, and the Financial Times
  • Worked some of the world’s largest management consulting firms like BCG and McKinsey

Students in the Future of Finance, 2050, and the Disruptive Innovation and Technology classes will benefit from this experience.

Thank you for your continuous support of middle school.


In Partnership,
Courtney Bailey
The Middle School Principal


Halloween Candy Donations and Advisory Door Competitions 🎃👻💀

Congratulations to the following advisories for
Most Halloween Candy Donation
6th Grade: Ms. Godfrey’s Advisory
7th Grade: Mr. Bably’s Advisory
8th Grade: Mrs. Genidy’s Advisory
Best Halloween Door Decorations
6th Grade: ALL the 6th Grade Hall
7th Grade: Ms. Dolly Shalaby’s Advisory
8th Grade: Mr. White’s Advisory

Special Congratulations to the 6th grade Teachers for Best Costume – Barbie Theme – and to Mr. Staley for always wowing us with his creativity! More awards to come after the Social!


MS Parent Teacher Conferences
Middle School Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up
on Tuesday, October 31st and Wednesday, November 1st, 2023; as follows:

Tuesday, October 31st:
The conferences are made in five-minute intervals; and will run in-person from 2:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., in teachers’ classrooms. Students are expected to join the conferences after 3:00 pm.

Wednesday, November 1st:
The Conferences are made in ten-minute intervals; and will be held in-person, all day from 7:45 a.m. to 4:10 p.m., in the teachers’ classrooms.
There will be no school for Middle School students on Wednesday, November 1st. The expectation is that students attend the conferences with parents.

Teachers’ locations, for both days, are found via this LINK.

All Conferences must be pre-booked. Conferences’ bookings are now closed.
Please note that the MS/HS cross-over teachers will only be available for MS parents
on Wednesday, November 1st.
Missed Booking an appointment? Or teacher’s schedule is fully booked?
Please reach out to the teacher directly to schedule a conference on a different day.


From the PTO

We extend our sincere thanks to the many volunteers who took part in the planning and execution of the wonderful Halloween events on Thursday. It was a much-needed opportunity to appreciate the strength of our community and enjoy some time together.

Please note that the CAC PTO General Meeting has been rescheduled from October 29 to November 5th.

On the horizon:
On November 16th we will host a movie night for ES students where we will screen the movie Elemental! Details about tickets will be coming soon.

Our Staff and Teacher Appreciation Lunches will take place November 20 and 21 respectively. Please be on the lookout for further details shortly.


MS Activities & Sports 

MS Season 1 Activities/Athletics end this week!
A full list of Season 2 Activities/Athletics will be released on Thursday November 2nd. Sign ups will begin November 5th.

Three Cheers

Three Cheers to Nadine Sabry, who is subbing long-term for Ms. Godfrey, who is on maternity leave.

Three Cheers to all STUCO representatives for planning the Volleyball tournament.

Three Cheers to Ms. Fides for all her work organizing candies for trick or treating at the social.

Three Cheers to Mr. Staley for the spectacular Pirate Costume.

Three Cheers to Mr. Farouk for painting the pirate flag in support of Mr. Staley’s presentation.